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Dear EPD-Norway verifiers, EPD-Developers, EPD-Owners and other EPD stakeholders

We would like to inform you that ECO Platform has updated the verification guidelines and corresponding documents, which are now released as ECO Platform Standards. This is a significant step forward for the harmonisation of EPDs for construction products and services!

There will be changes in requirements that all verifiers must be aware of. There is a 6 months + 6 months implementation period, first for programmes and then for EPD practices.


What does this mean in practice for EPD developers and verifiers?

  • The guidelines have been published by ECO Platform and are available here: Our documents - Eco Platform en (
  • EPD-Norway will implement this in our General Programme Instructions (GPI), PCRs and verification checklists by 20 June 2024 (latest).
  • All new EPDs must be in accordance with the revised GPI, PCR and checklists by 20 December 2024 (latest).


We will keep you updated on timelines, changes, and consequences of changes as we work on the implementation. In the meantime, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


See the below ECO Platform news:








ECO Platform - Newsletter




Dear Member of ECO Platform,


We are happy to announce the release of the new ECO Platform Standards today after extensive and dedicated efforts!

With our ECO Platform Standards all stakeholder groups around product and building LCA are contributing to defining common rules for EPD and their verification, which are globally recognized, leading to an alignment of data quality and compatibility. The ECO Platform Standards are the basis for our ECO EPD Programmes, ensuring reliability and a level playing field.

This release encompasses not only a new Umbrella Document but also the latest versions of the ECO Platform Verification Guidelines, Calculation Rules, and Tool Verification regulations.


Implementation Period

The new requirements must be implemented by EPD
Programme Operators in their documents within six months of the date of release, this means until 20 June 2024.


No later than twelve months after the date of release, this means from 20 December 2024 onwards, new EPDs shall adhere to this new version of the ECO Platform Standards.


The documents can be found here.


Next Steps

Furthermore, our Working Groups are currently working diligently on additional ECO Platform Standards documents, such as the Quality Management Guidelines, Digital Data Requirements or the revision of the Audit Guidelines, to be able to enforce compliance in order to advance our shared commitment even further. Engage in the working groups to be part of these developments.


Special thanks to our TEWOG Convenors Bastian Wittstock and Jane Anderson, TG Convenor Stefan Zwerenz and all other colleagues involved whose hard work and dedication have made this milestone possible.


Kind regards,

the ECO Platform Headoffice




ECO Platform AISBL



Avenue Kersbeek, 308
1180 Bruxelles

The Norwegian EPD Foundation

P.O. Box 5250 Majorstuen
N-0303 Oslo Norway
Invoice: Electronic invoice (EHF) to company number 985223114
